- I've been researching economics.
- I've been researching spiritual abuse.
Both of these topics have become of great interest to me. In future posts I will write about spiritual abuse. But first, here is my ONE post on economics. In Feb. I watched the movie "End of the Road" on Netflix. Here is the trailer:
As a result of watching this entire film on Netflix I began to explore the validity of this video. 20 weeks later, having read dozens of articles, and a hand-full of books, what I've learned is very disturbing.
There is something to this. Here is the beginning point of it all.
The basis for discussion about economics begins with an understanding of the difference in Keynesian and Austrian Economic philosophy.
A very good book summarizing the two is
Ron Paul vs. Paul Krugman: Austrian vs. Keynesian economics in the financial crisis. by Jeremy R. Hammond (Author)
This blog is NOT about economics. So that's as far as I'll go with this post. I've listed some of the best books I've read this year on this subject. This topic is worth looking into, regardless of your political or religious opinions, for if it's true it will impact most of us.
I will only say this in closing, because our HOPE is in GOD:
The U.S.A. is a kingdom of THIS world. It is not, nor has it ever been THE Kingdom of God. Discoveries of geo-political, financial corruption, etc. should not surprise us. The kingdoms of this world are governed by the kings (leaders) of the world. They often have their own wealth and power as top priority. Citizens are subject to the desire of the earthly King, Leader, President, etc.
But God's Kingdom is ruled by His Spirit, where the citizens of Heaven are ruled by God Himself. His aim is to increase the fruits of the Spirit -- love, joy, peace, patience, etc. -- in the citizenship so that the glory of Christ will be make known to the nations. The goals, methods, and purpose of the kingdoms of the Earth and the Kingdom of Heaven are vastly different. Case in point: as I finish this up to post the US is considering a strike on Syria.
The Citizens of Heaven are about LOVE, forgiveness, purity, honesty, and holiness. This is why a certain kingdom of the World, led by the 1st century Pharisees, put the King of Kings to death on a cross. His very presence, His teaching, His example, and His sacrifice sheds light on the immorality and greed of the world's kingdoms.