“ But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, ”- Philippians 3:20
"I pledge allegiance to the…”
We did it growing up, put our right hand over our heart and pledged allegiance to the flag. Many died to secure what freedoms we have in America. And I am very thankful. But there is a much greater death, and a much greater cause.
There has been much in the news lately about American citizenship. Immigration has become a problem, with so many crossing the boarder but never becoming a legal resident. I think the same problem exists in the church today. There are so many who have crossed the boarder and “attend” church each Sunday, but have never truly become “citizens of heaven.” They are illegal immigrants, taking advantage of the many benefits in this country but never becoming a resident of heaven.
Think about it: An immigrant does not speak the language. A resident of heaven speaks the language of heaven. An immigrant feels distant from the history of the land. A resident of heaven knows and owns the history of God’s people. An immigrant stays at arms length from the people who live nearby. But a resident of heaven comes to know the people of God and be known by them, thus becoming one body – the body of Christ.