Wednesday, January 18, 2012

How to Avoid Proof Texting

Church learders are the most guilty of creating beliefs that do not take into consideration ALL the scriptures on a certain topic. Usually they do this by "teaching" from a pre-conceived idea or a negative experience, or an opinion, which is already in place -- and then they open the Bible.

In a previous post I mentioned "proof texting." This is a term I learned while in my 20s, from a professor of theology at Abeline Christian University. Proof texting is simply taking one or two passages of scripture and building a belief around them. But that's my short wording. Here is a longer definition: 

A PROOFTEXT is a verse or short passage from the Bible used by someone as part of his proof for a doctrinal belief he wishes to substantiate to others. However, since verses and passages may rely extensively on the context in which they appear for correct interpretation, pulling these out of their context and having them stand alone in a "proof" can, at times, be very misleading. In addition, a set of such prooftexts can completely ignore other passages which, if added to the mix, might well lead to an entirely different conclusion.
Someone who relies strongly only on a list of prooftexts in order to make a doctrinal argument may have a very weak case for his argument. Noting that a religious teacher relies heavily just on prooftexting is viewed in theological circles as a very negative evaluation. Doctrinal beliefs based strictly on proof texts can lead people to believing, and even whole churches to teaching, something which is not Biblically correct.

Church learders are the most guilty of creating beliefs that do not take into consideration ALL the scriptures on a certain topic. When was the last time your church leader said, "Go read all the passages in the Bible on Baptism and don't be afraid to ask questions."? Proof-texting is meant to prove something the teacher already believes and it does not release people to study for themselves. Usually church teachers do this by "teaching" from a pre-conceived idea. And they may not even be aware they are doing it. Many times this is fueled by a negative experience which is already in place when they open the Bible. The negative experience often-times comes in tandem with an opinion about the world, or about another church, denomination, religion, or even another teacher. 

Many times proof texting takes place when a church leader is reacting to something or someone; to the culture around them or to another church's beliefs. This reaction effectively places a lense over their sight and they approach the Bible with a filter on, making it where they see one thing but do not see another. Then they "teach" their church from their "conclusions" about a topic and the church does not question their "authority" but instead passes on the newly created doctrine to their children. The ONLY way to avoid proof texting is to read ALL the scriptures on a certain topic and then read them ALL again. Don't wait on a church leader to teach you what it says. Read it for yourself and believe that the Holy Spirit will guide you. When you do this a couple important things will happen:
  • As you read ALL the scriptures on a certain topic you'll likely start to have questoins. There will be more questions than answers; more open thought and more mystery will follow your study. You'll immediately begin to question much of what you were "taught" from the church leadership. This is all ok. Don't sweat it. And don't draw conclusions. Just keep studying. It's actually fine to not have all the answers, even for the rest of your life. If you are in a church where you can discuss your questions with your church's leaders then you're very lucky and blessed. So go for it. If you are met with resistance or even fear from your church's leadership then it is a sign that proof texting is being used and maybe even in full swing. At this point you'll have to pray and ask God for wisdom and guidance -- and ultimately you'll have to decide if you need to keep quiet about your personal study of the scriptures or find a different church. 
  • Finally, and most important of ALL -- You can trust that God will honor your pursuit of HIM, not a pursuit of "truth" or "right thinking" but a desire to KNOW HIM more. That is the point of all Bible study and the point of everything else we do in this life -- to know Him more!
More on proof texting later... for now, just for fun... check out all the passages on Baptism by typing the word in here.

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