Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Missionary vs Evangelist

Quote: A missionary takes time to listen and learn, to discern the culture around him and his situation and context. A missionary feels called to people, not just to a message or just to preach. A missionary falls in love with these people and challenges them to leave their land and people for the kingdom and the church. A missionary seeks to remove cultural barriers, not create them. A missionary is willing to change his own stripes, as much as he can, to become all things to all men, to win them to Christ. A missionary seeks to learn, humbly, about a people before he tries to teach them.

Read more...HERE: http://www.brittmooney.com/2011/06/missionary-vs-evangelist/

Excellent post, Britt! Truly God is speaking volumes to His people around the world and in America. May we all become more like Christ--missionaries; strangers; in the world but not of it; lovers of God and people; friend of sinners; servant leaders; humble, gentle, kind and compassionate; healers; forgivers; missionaries; martyrs with unconditional love. That's our Christ! 

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