There is one thing you must do in order to judge others, hold a grudge or indulge bitterness.
You must constantly affirm yourself as being morally superior to the person you are condemning. You must think …
“I have the right to judge you, because I am morally superior to you.”
“I have the right to hold a grudge against you, because I am morally superior to you.”
“I have the right to nurse my bitterness, because I am morally superior to you.”
We always try to hide that last phrase in the shadows, don’t we? Because if we bring it into the light, we are forced to see the arrogance and self-righteousness that fuels our judging of others (see James 4:12; Luke 18:10-14).
How can you break free from this insidious attitude?
Unveil and confess your delusion of moral superiority. Thank God that although he is perfectly holy and has every right to condemn us for eternity, he instead judged his Son in our place so that he could shower us with undeserved kindness, mercy and forgiveness.
Then ask him to wash your self-righteousness away and replace it with a humility that leaves no room for grudges or bitterness, and a heart that overflows with the same kind of patience, forbearance, and love that God has lavished on you.
~ Ken Sande
Reflection Questions:
- Read James 4:11-12 and Luke 18:10-14. What is God saying to you in these passages?
- Is there someone you’re holding a grudge against? If so, say these words out loud: “I have the right to hold a grudge against [name] because I am morally superior to [him/her].” If that last phrase sticks in your throat (as I hope it does), confess your self-righteousness to God and ask him to deliver you from the delusion of moral superiority.
- It’s difficult to let go of a grudge or stop feeling bitterness, especially if you’ve indulged these feelings for a long time. One way to find freedom from these bitter attitudes is to ask God to help you replace them with specific acts of kindness, as taught in Luke 6:27-28 and Romans 12:20-21.
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© 2013 Ken Sande
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