Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How do we know we have the Spirit?

In a previous post I wrote about the evils of proof texting. Unfortunately, it's a regular practice, and it's all around, raising it's ugly head anytime we write without considering all the passages on a certain topic. But there are couple of topics where proof-texting is not a danger: Salvation through Christ and the Spirit by Faith. You can take any one scripture on salvation and they all point to the same conclusion: We needed a Savior -- God sent His only Son. And you can take any Scripture on the Spirit and there is only one outcome -- God desires to make His home inside of us by His Spirit and this is begun and sustained through Faith.

These are foundational truths. Just as our bodies need water and air to live, our soul needs Christ and God's Spirit to Live. What is the one thing NO ONE can take away from you? It is not your home, your clothes, your church, your wife, your husband, your children. It's not your money, friends, freedom, health, or possessions. What no one can take from you is the one thing only God can give you -- salvation through Christ and an indwelling of His Spirit. These are a matter of faith. But what if you lack faith? 

So you say, "Father I believe. Help my unbelief." It's that simple. Ask God for more faith. Do you think he wishes to withhold faith? By no means. He pines for us to know Him more. He's given all for us but never taken away our own choice. So He lays our the love for us with the clarity we need -- No greater love is there than that of His own Son laying down His life for us. We can believe this truth and even accept this gift. But what of a growing faith? A faith that allows us more days of security in Christ and more joy of knowing God by His Spirit. 

Faith. That's how we know we have the Spirit. Fortunately, faith can grow. And the author and perfecter of our faith can indeed do just that.  

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