Thursday, December 29, 2011

Rethinking Christian Unity by Frank Viola

One of my favorite stories is about the great evangelist D.L. Moody when he attended an “Exclusive” Plymouth Brethren convention.
The conference hosts had put up a large banner in the conference room which read, JESUS ONLY.

After one of the sessions ended, someone left the door open. While the conference attendees were sleeping, a wind blew into the doorway and knocked part of the banner down. The following morning, when everyone walked into the conference room, the sign read, US ONLY. The part of the banner that had the letters JES had been torn down.

A Divine rebuke with a hint of humor sprinkled in.

US ONLY was the message the Exclusive Plymouth Brethren were unwittingly sending to the world.

I have often said that sectarianism, elitism, and exclusiveness are like body odor. Everyone else can smell it except those who have it.

Read the Rest Here on my New Blog

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