Monday, September 16, 2013

Build Each Other Up and the Future of FIC

Build Each Other Up and the Future of FIC

Last night April and I had some friends over to talk and pray about the future of Families in Christ Ministries (FIC). I have to say, we have some amazing friends.
For a very long time I have dreamed about how FIC could work to help marriages, parents, single ladies, the poor, the pastors, the imprisoned, and more. But I also knew FIC would never be “just me.” So last night I put the following question to my friends: “What do you think should be the focus of FIC and what ideas do you have for beginning this ministry here in Jackson, TN?”
Immediately the ideas began to fly –
  • A yearly FIC Conference with a variety of workshops, speakers, small groups, and encouragement for people in many different walks of life. 
  • Communication Skills Workshops for engaged couples and newly-weds, or for any couple who would like to learn to better resolve conflict.
  • Regular prayer times for the FIC Board of Directors.
There were many more ideas but the really neat thing is how quickly our talking about FIC became a time of encouraging one another in the Lord. It’s so good to be with friends who know your heart and what makes you tick. It’s good to build each other up.
We talked for a couple of hours and came away very encouraged. And I came away with one thing: Whatever the specific future of FIC, and whatever “ministry” we find ourselves doing for the Lord, one thing is for sure, at the heart of all of it will be LOVE and the never-ending work of building one another up.

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