Sunday, December 8, 2013

The 5 Gossips You Will Meet by

December 05, 2013

Gossip is a serious problem. It is a problem in the home, in the workplace, in the local church and in broader evangelicalism. It is a problem in the blogosphere, in social media, and beyond. In his book Resisting Gossip, Matthew Mitchell defines gossip as “bearing bad news behind someone’s back out of a bad heart” and shows that when the book of Proverbs uses the word “gossip,” it does so in the noun form, not the verb form. In other words, the Bible is concerned less with the words that are spoken and more with the heart and mouth that generate such destruction. Words matter, but they are simply the overflow of the heart. As always, the heart is the heart of the matter.

Here, drawn from Mitchell’s book, is a gallery of gossips, five different gossiping people you will meet in life.


The first kind of gossip, and I know you’ve run across this person before, is The Spy. Solomon describes him in Proverbs 11:13: “A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy man keeps a secret.” The Spy is an informer, a person who gathers secrets so he can use them to his personal advantage. This is the person who is always listening for rumors and who always seems to know everyone else’s business. His ear is always to the ground. The Spy’s main motivation is power. It may be the thrill of knowing something before everyone else, or it may be the power that comes when threatening others by revealing their secrets. He uses information to elevate himself and to destroy others.


The second gossip is The Grumbler and we find him in Proverbs 16:28: “A perverse man stirs up dissension, and a gossip separates close friends.” The Grumbler complains and criticizes. She criticizes other people and complains about them behind their backs. She spreads all their secrets, describes exactly how she feels about them, and then excuses it all by saying, “I just needed to vent for a while.” Because she is miserable, and because misery loves company, she drags other people into her grumbling. Her motive is often jealously or envy. She wants what another person has and grumbles because she does not have it herself.


We all know The Backstabber, don’t we? The Backstabber is a complainer, but he is more than that. He is also angry and malicious and is out destroy others. He may bring full-out lies in order to bring down another person, or he may engage in a smear campaign. He looks for something, anything, everything wrong with his enemies and makes sure everyone knows about those things; if he can’t find them, he makes them up. The Backstabber is often motivated by revenge for some deep offense, some opportunity lost, or some hardship gained. This offense or perceived offense has led to bitterness which has taken root and motivated this desire for revenge. Today, many of these people begin web sites and do their work as loudly and publicly as possible.


The Chameleon is the person who uses gossip to fit in with the crowd at work or school or church or even in the family. She is desperate to blend in and to be accepted. Since everyone else gossips, she gossips too, so that she can join in the conversation. Since respect comes through sharing juicy facts about others, she finds and then shares that kind of information. Her motivation is fear—the fear of man. She is afraid of what others will think of her, and especially afraid of being excluded from the crowd. Prov 29:25 describes her well: “Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD is kept safe.”


Most of us have met these people. Most of us have been these people. Each of us is in desperate need of God’s forgiveness and God’s sanctifying grace.

"Who" Comes Before "What"; Love is a Great Motivator than Fear

This is the way that grace works. 
Why is it so vitally important for us to know "who" we are in Christ in order to effectively do "what" He commands us to do? The list of reasons is quite long but in my humble opinion, here are the top three. 
  1. Love is a greater motivator than fear. 
  2. Adoption yields a new name AND a new life entirely. 
  3. Death on a cross was a means to an end.
    First, love is a greater motivator than fear. In fact, love is the greatest motivator in all the universe. Want to find the desire to "do" more for God? Just meditate on His love for you for a while. Want to feel more secure as a Christian? Just think about what God really thinks of you for a bit. Want some motivation to access the power of God to overcome sin, and live a life of freedom? Just plunge yourself into the wonderful depths of the love of God. But try to scare yourself into these and there awaits nothing but failure. True, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." That's just it: it's the beginning. But knowing and accepting the full glory of God's love for you -- that is the the completion.

    "Love" appears over 650 times in the Bible, while "fear" is found 252 times. Of the 252, only 45 of those are in the NT. So the concept of fear is mostly found in the Old Covenant. But get this, "Christ" is found 499 times in the Bible. The word Love is the most common and just about tied with Christ. Related to love, "grace" is used 123 times, and "mercy" 121. It becomes very clear when reading all of these that God intends for us to really know His LOVE and feel it deeply. God wants to have a relationship of LOVE with us. He does not want a relationship of fear with us any more than we would want that sort of relationship with our friends, our spouse, or our children. Love is a greater motivator than fear. When we feel loved by a person we desire to be with them, to please them, and to tie those bonds tighter. But fear does just the opposite of love.

    Fear breaks down our motivation to press into a deeper relational unity. Fear of judgment is fine. We should fear judgement. A Judgment "Day" is coming and that is true. But fear of God and fear of God's judgment are two different things. Here's what I mean. My children do not fear "me." They fear the punishment which I will give them should they misbehave. This is an important distinction. What they feel from me is -- day in and day out -- love, as displayed in my continual praise for their good deeds; constant affection in the form of hugs, kisses, and cuddling; and, of course, me telling them, "I love you." They feel love and thus they want to please me. Of course they fail and then they are corrected. But following every correction is a loving embrace, as well as a further explanation of my love for them, my complete and unconditional forgiveness, and especially by complete acceptance of who they are as my child. As they grow into this identity as my child and feel the love from my heart they are motivated to please me.

    This is the same in our relationship with our Father. He IS our Father you know. Father, as in the same Father which Christ called "Abba" Father. And we too call him Abba Father, for He is the only perfect father in our lives. And what is this perfection? Think about it. Imagine a perfect Father. Image a perfect response to every failure, every shortfall, every sin, in fact imagine a Father's perfect response to your very core being -- who you really are. That perfect response is exactly what you get from God, our Father. God is LOVE. That love is complete. We can do nothing to increase nor decrease that love. Let me say that again: We can do NOTHING to increase nor decrease God's love for us. God's love is already maxed out for us! Did you know that? His perfect love is ours if we fully accept it. But there are so many barriers to our fully receiving God's love.

    One of the barriers to receiving God's perfect love is certainly an unhealthy fear of God. Love is a greater motivator than fear. If you don't believe me try a little experiment. Read all the passages about God's love and spend a week meditating on God's complete love. Ask the Spirit to help you. At the end of the week or so see if there is more of the fruit of His Spirit, and more motivation to please God. Then remember that we aim to please Him not because there is anything we can do to increase nor decease His love for us, nor earn our salvation in any way possible. We only aim to please Him because He first loved us. And oh, how great is that love!!!  If we really take enough time to let this love pour into us we would do nothing short of shout it from the mountaintops! 

    Who are we? 
    We are the loved children of God. 

    Who are we in Christ? We are everything He says we are and, as a result, we are so much more ready to do His will.

    "What" we do for God comes from knowing "Who" we are in Him. 

    "Who" comes before "what." 

    This is the way that grace works.

    Two more ways "Who" comes before "What." 
    1. Adoption yields a new name AND a new life entirely. then...
    2. Death on a cross was a means to an end.

      Sunday, December 1, 2013

      How Can We Have the Mind of Christ? Image what Christ would say to you.

      This quote I read yesterday has me really thinking. At the end of a teaching about "The Spirit" Paul writes, "But we have the mind of Christ." What an amazing statement! Here are my thoughts on His thoughts. 

      In 1 Corinthians 2:16, Paul quotes Isaiah 40:13. It is best to understand having the "mind of Christ" in context. The preceding context is clearly about the "Spirit." 

      The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. 11 For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. 
      Right. My spirit knows my thoughts. And the Spirit of God knows God's thoughts. Apparently there are "deep things of God," too. And apparently "The Spirit of God" knows these things as well. What could these deep things of God be? 
      12 What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us. 
      "The world" has a "spirit" as well. Fortunately, we have not received this worldly spirit. Instead we receive "the Spirit" who is from God. This is all ground work for understanding Paul's statements about us having the Mind of Christ. Paul is explaining "how" it came to be that we can have His mind. The result comes out in the next three verses and are summarized by four words: "speak", "accept," "understand" and "judge."  
      13 This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words. 14 The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit. 15 The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgments, 
      Speak, Understand and Judge. 

      Having the "Spirit of God" means we speak Spirit-taught words. But we must check ourselves. This is not the same as repeating someone else's words. This is not about quoting your church leaders. It doesn't matter how smart they are, or how much scripture they can rattle off. Your Pastor, preacher, teacher, Elder, or apostle is NOT the same as the "Spirit of God." Paul did NOT say "but we have received wise leaders." Paul says, "we have received the Spirit." Why? "So that we may understand what God has freely given us." This truth is something you and I own, personally, because it is given to our minds from within, from the Spirit. That means nothing and no-one can take it way from you unless you let them. 

      The Spirit produces understanding, fruit, and speech! We understand the beautiful mystery of our salvation through Christ. As a result of the Spirit's power working in us we bear the fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, etc. in our lives . And we speak with "Spirit-taught words" just as any believer. If a person is quiet or introverted or unsure, and therefore is not verbal about his or her faith, this does not mean he or she does not have the Spirit of God or the mind of Christ. I've known and admired many less-talkative types who clearly were full of the fruits of the Spirit. 

      The "spiritual reality" is one where we grow in our capacity to love. We love because He first loved us. And we pour out that love of Christ on our spouse, children, family, friends, and neighbors. The love coming from hearts is fueled by a mind filled with the thoughts of the Spirit -- it's those "deep things of God" that creep into our minds, clearing out the dark thoughts of the world, and replacing them with His Light. That Light comes on and we know we must love. Thoughts lead to action. The same thoughts lead to repentance and forgiveness as well. The "thoughts" of Spirit begin to prompt us to do things we otherwise would not do. These things, though some of them may not be easy, are all LIFE giving things. Because to love is always to LIVE.

      "But I do not hear these Spirit-taught words." I know. I think it takes a little imagination at first, and faith. When I first began to "experiment" with "hearing" God's voice I would simply imagine Him sitting in the room with me, in the flesh, and speaking to me. What would He say to you? First, He would tell you how very much He loves you; how "you are forgiven." He would tell you to let go of the guilt and the shame and to believe you are His child. "There's no need to carry them any longer," He'd say, "because I carried them for you, to the grave." "Your sins are remembered no more. So forgive yourself, just as I have forgiven you." Then with the most gentle movement He would reach out for you. Extending a hand He places it on your head and says, "You are Mine, and I am yours! You are in Me, just as I am in you. Believe this and accept it, for it is true even as I am the Truth. You are FREE -- free to love and be loved. I have healed you and given you a new LIFE. Have faith and be filled to overflowing." Then he would sit back and wait for you to lift your head. You open your eyes and looking through a curtain of tears you see His smiling face -- confident, secure, and SO full of love for you. That's when it happens. You jump to your feet and fall into His arms ... for the hug of your LIFE. 

      This is the new beginning -- these are the "deep things of God." 

      And this is what is means to have the mind of Christ. 

      16 for,
       “Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?”
      But we have the mind of Christ.

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